After some fabulous wedding ideas? Look no further!
Roses sealed in ice are beautiful, eyecatching and something unique

Paper Lanterns create a pretty path guiding guests to their destination

Personalised paper napkins

Paper decorations are eye-catching and can create a focal point in a special area of the room

Photobooth is fun for guests and gives the bride and groom a great way to remember the wonderful moments from the reception.

Roses sealed in ice are beautiful, eyecatching and something unique

Paper Lanterns create a pretty path guiding guests to their destination

Personalised paper napkins

Paper decorations are eye-catching and can create a focal point in a special area of the room

Photobooth is fun for guests and gives the bride and groom a great way to remember the wonderful moments from the reception.

Images: French Blue, Ideal Home, Pink Frosting, Martha Stewart, Snippet & Ink,
amazing ideas! love those pink paper decorations!
Great ideas! I've never seen the roses sealed in ice before! Very nice!
Hi Bonnie they are such beautiful ideas!
Do you have any suggestions as to where I can source the paper lanterns to create an outdoor path or where I can get rosebuds for ice cubes? Julia
Hi Julia,
Thanks for your lovely comment.
I would speak to your florist about rosebuds,they might even be able to do it for you as might the venue/caterer if you arrange for the flowers to be delivered.
Also, I love petals in cocktails or champagne and you can ask your florist to source organic flowers that are safe to be consumed. is the best place for paper lanterns as they have an extensive range and can deliver anywhere.
Hope that helps and thank you for reading amour amour!
Bonnie x
Bonnie, I love the pink paper decorations, I might pinch that idea for my little girls 1st birthday!! and the lingering rose petals in your drink after the ice has melted is simply divine!!
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